Wednesday, February 3, 2016


This post is a quick self-reflection on my communication skills and deficiencies. Communication is important in any FOSS project, especially in project as big as OpenMRS. I would say when it comes to communication I am friendly, to the point, and cooperative. I often get along well with team members in coding projects. I think programmers are generally easy to get along with. Where I struggle in communication is dealing with people who don't know what they don't know. I try to be clear and honest with people when I think they are out of line, but I struggle with assertiveness towards overly assertive people. Ideally, it would be nice if every coworker I ever work with was honest and clear about what he/she doesn't know or is unclear about, but I know this is not going to be the case. As it is, I need to work on my confrontation skills.